- 2000.09-2004.06, 南开大学, 学士
- 2004.09-2009.06, 北京大学, 博士
- 2006.09-2008.09 (3-4月/年)受亚欧联合项目资助在德国慕尼黑工业大学学习访问。
- 2009.07-2017.03, 西南大学, 特聘教授/研究员
- 2011.06-2012.12, 比利时布鲁塞尔自由大学, 博士后
- 2013.07-2015.08, 日本东北大学, 助理教授
- 2015.09-2018.01, 美国北卡大学教堂山分校, 博士后
- 2018.02-2021.01, 美国密西根州立大学, 博士后
- 2021.02-至今, 中山大学物理与天文学院, 教授
- Ab initio calculation of the contact operator contribution in the standard mechanism for neutrinoless double beta decay ,
R. Wirth*, J. M. Yao*(共同一作), H. Hergert*, Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 242502 (2021)
- Advances in modeling nuclear matrix elements of neutrinoless double beta decay,
J. M. Yao, Science Bulletin, Volume 66, 3-5 (2021). [DOI]
- Ab Initio Treatment of Collective Correlations and the Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay of 48Ca,
J. M. Yao, B. Bally, J. Engel, R. Wirth, T. R. Rodríguez, and H. Hergert, Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 232501 (2020) [DOI].
- Beyond relativistic mean-field approach for nuclear octupole excitations,
J. M. Yao, E. F. Zhou, and Z. P. Li, Phys. Rev. C 92, 041304(R) (2015). [DOI].
- Systematic study of nuclear matrix elements in neutrinoless double-beta decay with a beyond-mean-field covariant density functional theory,
J. M. Yao, L. S. Song, K. Hagino, P. Ring, and J. Meng,
Phys. Rev. C 91, 024316 (2015). [DOI].
- Microscopic benchmark study of triaxiality in low-lying states of
J. M. Yao, K. Hagino, Z. P. Li, J. Meng, and P. Ring,
Phys. Rev. C 89, 054306 (2014). [DOI].
- Configuration mixing of angular-momentum-projected triaxial relativistic mean-field wave functions,
J. M. Yao, J. Meng, P. Ring, and D. Vretenar, Phys. Rev. C 81, 044311 (2010) [DOI].
- Beyond-mean-field approaches for nuclear neutrinoless double beta decay in the standard mechanism,
J. M. Yao, J. Meng, Y. F. Niu, P. Ring, arXiv:2111.15543 [nucl-th]
International Review of Nuclear Physics: Volume 10, Relativistic Density Functional for Nuclear Structure [
DOI], edited by J. Meng
- Chapter 7: Structure of hypernuclei in relativistic approaches,
K. Hagino, J. M. Yao, arXiv:1410.7531 [nucl-th]
- Chapter 12: Beyond the Relativistic Mean-Field Approximation — Collective Correlation
Z. P. Li, T. Nikšić, D. Vretenar and J. M. Yao,